Course Code Course Description Credit Units
VMD 111: Introduction to Veterinary Medicine 1
Introduction to the Art and Science of Veterinary
Medicine. General review of veterinary practices
since ancient times, pastoralists and pastoralism.
History of animal healthcare in Nigeria. Modern
trendsin veterinary practice and future prospects.
VMD 212: Animal Breeds, Handling and Restraint Techniques 2
Identification of the various breeds of domestic
animals, their characteristics, common names for
various body parts, colour and identification marks,
Approach to handling of animals. Various methods
of restraints and equipment used for resrintc,
ropes, twitches, halter, hobbles etc. Care of animals,
dentition and ageing, common vices
in animals.
VMD 422: General Medicine 2
History taking, influence of environment on
diseases of patients. Use of the common diagnostic
instruments,’ample collection and preservation.
Diagnostic methods used for the detection and
differentiation of diseases according to systems.
Principles of treatment and prognosis.
VMD 511: Small Animal Medicine 2
Infectious and non-infectious, metabolic and nutritional
diseases of dogs and cats. The epidemiology, Clinical signs,
diagnosis and treatment of diseases of importance in
the Tropics.
VMD 513: Ruminant Medicine 2
Infectious, non-infectious, including metabolic and
nutritional diseases of small and large ruminants.
The epidemiology, clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment
and control of specific diseases of importance in
the Tropics.
VMD 522: Wildlife and Fish Medicine 2
Dynamics and characteristics of wildlife populations.
Capturing and sampling methods. Diagnosis and
treatment of major diseases of wild primates,
carnivores, ungulates reptiles, birds and amphibians.
Aquatic ecology, fisheries management and fish
cultures, feeds and feeding of fish. Diagnosis, treatment
and control of diseases of fish.
VMD 524: Equine Medicine 2
Infectious, non-infectious including
metabolic and nutritional diseases of Equidae
with particular reference to horses and donkeys.
The clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment and control
of specific diseases of economic importance in the
Tropics. Management of equine diseases and disorders.
VMD 526: Porcine Medicine 2
Infectious, non-infectious, metabolic and nutritional
diseases of pigs. The epidemiology, clinical signs,
treatment and control of diseases of importance
in the tropical environment.
VMD 528: Avian Medicine 2
Aetiology, clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment and
control of parasitic, fungi, bacterial, viral, nutritional
and other diseases of poultry/avian species.
Emphasis will be placed on major tropical diseases.
VMD 603: Clinical Conference/Seminar I 1
A course involving case work-ups and Seminar
presentation by students under the guidance of a
clinical coordinator.
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