Course Code Course Description Credit Unit
AEB 111 Introductory Zoology 4
Concept of the ecosystem. Food chains, webs, trophic relations and energy flow. Ecological niches. Biochemicalcycles. Species diversity; estimation of population size, population structure and dynamics; population interactions (competition and succession). Interactions among organisms; social inetractions, epiphytes;vines, antibiosis.
Nutritive interactions- ingestion of other organisms, parasitism and symbiosis. The major habitats in West Africa. Genetic material (mitosis, meiosis). Gametogenesis. Mode of inheritance (monohybrid, dihybrid). Variation; genetic and non-genetic. Species formation. The fossil record and evolution. Brief treatment of the origin of man.
An introductory study of form and function in the following groups: protozoa,coelenterates, platyhelminths, aschelminths, annelids, molluscs and anthropods; amphioxus, fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals.
AEB 122 Functional Zoology 4
Mammalian skin, skeletal, muscular, alimentary, respiratory, circulatory, excretory, nervous, endocrine and reproductive systems. Nutritional requirements and deficiencies. Blood groups, immunity. Brief treatment of embryological development.
PBB 111 Introduction to Plant Biology I 3
Use of microscope. Generalised cell structure. Functions of cell organelles. Diversity on plant forms and habitats. Evolutionary survey of the main plants groups (bacteria, algae,fungi, bryophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms) with emphasis on their life cycles.
PBB 122 Introduction to Plant Biology II 3
The general morphology, anatomy, histology and physiology of seed structure, dispersal and germination; development of primary and secondary plant body; water relations; photosynthesis, translocation and storage organs; respiration.
CHM 111 General Chemistry I 3
Relationship of chemistry to other sciences. Atoms, subatomic particles, isotopes, molecules. Avogadro’s number. The mole, Dalton’s theory, the laws of chemical combinations. Relative atomic masses. Nuclear binding energy, fission and fusion. Periodicity and atomic spectra. Chemical bonding. Electronegotiants. Ionic, covalent, metallic bonds. Saturation of valence. The concept of hybridization. Oxidation numbers. The states of matter. The gas laws, PVT relationships. The general gas equation. Liquids and solids. Lattice structures. Isomorphism. Giant molecules. Acids, bases and salts. Behaviour of electrolytes. Water. Colligative properties. Ostivald’s dilution law. Arhenius, Bronsted-Lowry, Lewis concepts and applications. Buffers, equilibria and equilibrium constants. Solubility products. Common ion effect. Precipitation reactions. Chemistry of oxidation-reduction reactions.The periodic table. Hydrogen and hydrides. Chemistry of groups 0,1,II elements. Acid-base properties of oxides. Introduction to complex reactions. Quantitative and qualitative analyses. Theory of volumetric analysis. Operations and methods. Calculations. Mole, molarity, molality.
CHM 122 General Chemistry I I 3
General procedure for the isolation and purification of organic compounds. Determination of the structure of an organic compound; elemental detection, determination of % composition, empirical and molecular formula determination. Structural formula (brief treatment of structural isomerism) Bonding and Mechanism in organic chemistry; atomic and molecular orbitals, broad hybrid bond formation, Bond fission and bond formation- classification of reagents and reactions, factors which affect electron availability in a covalent bond. Functional group chemistry. Non-Polar functional groups; alkanes structure and nomenclature. Homologous senses, geometric isomerism, acidity. Petroleum chemistry. Polar Functional groups: Hydroxyl groups, Carbonyl groups,Monocarboxylic acids, Fats and oils.
CHM 112 Organic Chemistry I 3
General Principles of Organic Chemistry; Definition. Classification of organic compounds. Homologous series. Functional groups. General procedure for isolation and purification of organic compounds. Dtermination of structure of organic compounds. Elemental analysis, percentage composition, empirical and molecular formula, structural formula. Isomerism( structural and stereoisomerism). Electron theory in organic chemistry. Atomic models, quantum numbers, atomic orbitals. Hybridisation leading to formation of carbon, carbon single double and triple bonds. Hydrogen bonding electronegativity, dipole moment, polarization, bond energy, inductive and resonance effects. Hyper-conjugation. Bond length carboniumionsand carbanions.
Non-polar Functional Group Chemistry; Alkanes (structure and physical properties. Addition oxidation polymerization. Test for alkynes). Sterioisomerism- definition, geometrical and optical isomers. Condition for optical isomerism. Structure, acidity of acetylenic hydrogen. Benzene- structure and aromaticity of benzene. Introduction to electrophilic substitution reactions. Nomenclature: IUPAC and common names of clsses of compounds. Introduction to petrochemistry: Origin of petroleum, importance, fractional distillation of crude oil, component, properties and uses. Octane number. Cracking. Coal tar chemistry: origin, production, important components and uses. Practical Organic Chemistry; Experiments in basic techniques in organic chemistry: Determination of melting and boiling points, filteration, distillation, fractional distillation, recrystalisation; tests for functionalgroups;organic preparations.
CHM 124 Organic Chemistry II 3
Polar Functional Group Chemistry: Hydroxyl group- alchohols and phenols. Classification. Acidity- comparison. Important methods of preparation. Reactions;with metal bases, alkylhalides. Oxidation, dehydration. Tests for Alchohols and phenols. Importance.
Carbonyl group: aldehydes and ketones structure. Physical properties. Important methods of preparation. Reactions: Tollen’s reagent, Fehling’s solution, Benedict’s solution, iodoform reactions; with alchohols, including mechanisms with ammonia, hydrazines and their derivatives, including mechanisms; aldol condensation. Carboxylic acid derivatives: anhydrides, acids halides, estersand amides. Change of reactivity when -OH of acid is replaced by -O or -N. Reactions with water, alchohols, ammonia and amines. Test for esters.
Amino group: amines. Structure. Physical properties. Important methods of preparation. Reaction with acids, basicity and salt formation. Alkylation, scylation with nitrous acids. Hinsberg method of separation. Tests for amines. Importance.
Fats and oils:definition, importance, saponification. Soaps and detergents. Mode of cleaning action.Reaction of soap with hard water, mineral acids. Drying oils, mode of action, use in paints and varnishes. Amino acids and proteins: definition, classification, essential amino acids, special properties and reactions,isoelectric points,tests. Importance.
Carbohydrates: Definition, classification,importance, nomenclature, structure and reactions of glucose. Mutarotation tests.
Natural products: Main classes, steroids, terpinoids,alkaloids, prostaglandins; definition, importance, examples.
PHY 111 Mechanics,Thermal Physics and Properties of Matter 3
Mechanics: Scalars and vectors;addition and resolution of vectors. Rectilinear Motion and Newton s law of motion; inertial, mass and gravitational mass; free fall; projectile motion; deflecting forces and circular motion. Newton’s law of gravitation; satellites, escape velocity, gravitational potentials; speial case of circular motion. Momentum and the conservation of momentum; work, power, energy; units; potential energy for a gravitational field and elastic bodies; Kinetic energy; conservation of energy; energy stored in a rotating body. Kinetic energy in elastic and inelastic collisions. Thermal physics and properties of matter, temperature, heat, work; heat capacities; second law, Carnor cycle; thermodynamic and the ideal gas temperature scale. Thermal conductivity; radiation: black body and energy spectrum, stefan’s law. Kinetic model of a gas: Equation of state, concept of diffusion, mean free path, molecular speed, Avogadro’s number, behavior of real gases; physical properties of solids. Crystalline structure: close packing, orderly arrangements, elastic deformation,of an ordered structure; interference patterns and crystal. Model for matters; surface energy and surface tension, plastic deformation; thermal and electrical properties of metals.
PHY 113 Vibrations,Waves and Optics 3
Periodic motion: Motion of an oscillator; velocity and acceleration
of a sinusoidal oscillator, equation of motion of a simple harmonic oscillator, damped oscillations, forced oscillations; resonance; propagation of longitudinal and transverse vibrations. Waves behavior; reflection of waves, stationary waves, propagation of straight and circular pulses; fiberoptics, diffraction, refraction, dispersion, interference, coherence, polarization. Wave and sound: vibrations of air columns and strings; Doppler effect. Wave and light: mirrows, lenses, formation of images. Thin lenses in contact, microscope, telescope, chromatic and spherical aberrations and their reduction. Dispersion by prisms; relatioin between colour and wavelength; spectra.
PHY 124 Electromagnetic and Modern Physics 4
Electric Field: strength, flux and the inverse square law; electrostatic force between two charged particles; flux model for the electric field. Energy stored in an electric field, electric potential due to dipole. Steady Direct currents: simple circuits; potential difference, resistance, power electromotive force, Kirchhoff’s law; potential divider, slide wire potentiometer, bridge circuits, combining resistances. Capacitors: capacitance, combination, dielectrics, energy stored, charging/discharging. Electromagnetic effect: electromagnetic forces, electric motors, moving coil galvanometer, ammeter, voltmeter, electromagnetic induction, dynamo. Alternating currents: simple Ac circuits transformers, motors and alternating currents. Magnetic Field: the field at the centre of a current-carrying flat coil, of a current-carrying solenoid, outside along solenoid: flux model and magnetic fields. Eletromagnetic induction: induction in a magnetic field; magnitude and directionof induced EMF; energy stored in a magnetic field, self-inductance. Electricity and Matter:current flow in an electrolyte, Milikan experiment; conduction of electricity through gases at low pressure, cathode rays, photoelectricity. Modern physics: structure of atom, atomic theory, X-rays, Planck quantum theory; wave-particle, nature of matter; scattering experiment of Geiger and Marsden, Rutherford atom model; Bohr’s atom model. Structure of nucleus. Composition of nucleus, particle emission, isotopes. Particle emission; gamma radiation.
PHY 109 Practical Physics 4
Students are expected to carry out a minimum of 12 majorexperiments covering the main aspects of the courses taken in a year.
CSC 101 Introduction to Computers 3
Historyof computers. Computer application in Commercial
and scientific environments; Characteristics of computers,
classification and types of computers, computer structure
and its components. Introduction to software. Input/output
peripheral devices, Their advantage and disadvantages.
Programming and information presentation. Basic instruction
in computer, control programs. Direct and indirect addressing.
Instruction format. Translator, loaders, program compilation
and execution, syntactic and lexical analysis.
AEE 211 Introduction to Agricultural Extension 2
Concepts, meaning of rural life, semi-urban, urban life and characteristics of each; a study of the rural community, social life, economic life, poverty; quality of the life and its measurement; the rural communities, problems of rural society, their causes and possible solutions. The meaning of extension science; the scope of agricultural extension; the need for agricultural extension; basic extension principles of agricultural production; the extension agents; rural communities and communication principles and strategies; discussion of principle behind agriculture extension.
AEE 221 Introduction to Agricultural Economics and Resource Management. 2
The nature of economics and economic problems. Scope and method: price theory and functions of the market with particular reference to agriculture. The concept of opportunity cost. Supply and demand and their application to agricultural problems. Production functions and analysis with respect to agricultural production. Types of markets, perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly etc. Price theory and some applications. Theory of distribution,’the components of agriculture in national income. Resources allocation in farms, aggregate income expenditure, investment, interest rate, profits, wages, employment, inflation. Introduction to international trade community agreements, and balance of payments. Classification, availability and supply of natural resources. Agricultural resources (land, capital and management).
CED 300 Enterpreneurship Development 3
Definition, nature and functions of enterpreneurship, generating
and developing business ideas, conducting market survey,
preparing a business plan, legal aspects of entrepreneurship,
financing a business venture, record keeping, costing and credit
control, attracting and retaining customers, export operations for
the small business enterprise, computer applications for the small
business, ethics and good business practice.
GST 111 Use of English/ Library 3
Ways of looking at sentences: structurally, semantically and informationally. The structure of expository paragraphs: outline for essay; topic and sentence outlines. Rhetoric: writing descriptions, writing definitions, writing systematic analysis and classification, argumentative essay, writing persuations. Factors in reading comprehension. Writing continuous summaries. Letter writing. Report writing. Types, structure and functions of a Library. Parts of a book and referencing styles. The natures and structure of the Library. Familiarization with the plan of the University of Benin Library. Procedures and processes in conducting a Library research: choosing and adequately restricting a topic, scouting for materials, use of note card and bibliography card, methods of note taking. Preparation of a research paper: Matters of formal- styles books and related matters, forms of documentation. Writing abstracts of research paper. Carrying out a short library research project.
GST 112 Philosophy and Logic 2
Introduction to scope, notions, branches and problems of philosophy. Symbolic logic: Introduction to special symbols used: conjunction, affirmation, negation, disjunction, equivalence and conditional statements. Law of thought: Deductions using rules of inference and biconditionals, quantification theory.
GST 121 Peace Studies and Conflicts Resolution 2
Basic concept in peace studies and conflict resolution. The place of peace in national unity and development. Types and causes of conflict. Conflict management and peace building. Developing a culture of peace. The role of citizenship development in National unity and development. Peace mediation and peace keeping. Alternative dispute resolution. Dialogue/arbitration in conflict resolution. Role of international organization in conflict resolution. Role of gender in peace keeping and building.
GST 122 Nigerian people and Culture 2
Nigeria in pre-colonial times: general survey of indigenous culture areas and their characteristics. Evolution of Nigeria as a Political Unit: Salient points in the history of Nigeria under colonial rule and thereafter. Contemporary issues in Nigerian education, economy and social justice. Norm, values and moral obligations of Nigerian citizens. Environmental sanitation. Cultism and gangsterism.
GST 123 History and Philosophy of Science &Technology 2
Man: his origin and nature; Man’s cosmic environment; theories about the universe. Scientific methodology.(empiricism). Technology in the society
(definition and history) . Renewable and non-renewable resources;
Man and his energy resources. Environmental effects of
chemical plastics, wastes and other materials. Chemical
and radiochemical hazards. Introduction to the various areas of
science and technology.
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