Course Code Course Description Credit Units
VMB 322: General Microbiology 3
History of Microbiology of organisms, Toxonomy.
Physiology and Biochemistry of organisms. Bacteriological
methods and techniques. Sterilization and Disinfection.
Antibiotics, Environmental bacteriology.
VMB 324: Veterinary Immunology 1
Historical perspectives. Review of the anatomy and
histology of immunological organs, Macrophages,
lymphocytes and plasma cells. Cytokines and
Immune responses. Antigen reaction. Principles
of Immunotherapy. Vaccines, Immunization and
Immunological aspects of cancer.
VMB 411: Pathogenic Bacteriology & Mycology 4
General characteristics, growth requirements,
resistance, pathogenicity, immunity, diagnosis
and public health significance of animal pathogens.
Fungi, Rickettsia and related organisms. Mycoplasma
and related organisms.
VMB 422: Virology 2
Structure, characteristics and classification of
viruses. Pathogenesis, immunity and transmission
of viruses. Nature and importance of prions and
Course Code Course Description Credit Units
VPE 302: Introductory Parasitology 3(2+1)
Definitions. Taxonomy of helminthes, arthropods
and protozoan. Principles of diagnosis and control
of parasitic diseases.
VPE 401: Veterinary Protozoology 3(2+1)
Introduction and classification of phylum Protozoa,
Anthropod borne Protozoans: Babesia, Trypanosoma,
Plasmodium, Leishmania, Leucocytozoon, Haemobartonella.
Protozoans transmitted by resistant Cysts: Eimeria,
Balantidium, Giardia, Toxoplasma, Entamoeba, Sarcocystis
and Besnoitia. Sexually Transmitted protozoans: trichomonas,
VPE 402: Veterinary Entomology 2(1+1)
Introduction and classification of phylum Arthropoda
Order – Nematocera, Brachycera and Cyclorhapha,
Acarina (Ixodidae, Argasidae), Siphanoptera (fleas),
Pthiraptera (Lice). Life cycles of arthropods of
Veterinary importance. Pathogenecity and control
VPE 403: Veterinary Helminthology 3(2+1)
Introduction and classification of phylum Platyheliminlhs.
Life cycle, pathogenicity and control of Nematodes,
trematodes and Cestodes of Veterinary importance.
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