Course Code Course Description Credit Units
VPE 302: Introductory Parasitology 3(2+1)
Definitions. Taxonomy of helminthes, arthropods
and protozoan. Principles of diagnosis and control
of parasitic diseases.
VPE 401: Veterinary Protozoology 3(2+1)
Introduction and classification of phylum Protozoa,
Anthropod borne Protozoans: Babesia, Trypanosoma,
Plasmodium, Leishmania, Leucocytozoon, Haemobartonella.
Protozoans transmitted by resistant Cysts: Eimeria,
Balantidium, Giardia, Toxoplasma, Entamoeba, Sarcocystis
and Besnoitia. Sexually Transmitted protozoans: trichomonas,
VPE 402: Veterinary Entomology 2(1+1)
Introduction and classification of phylum Arthropoda
Order – Nematocera, Brachycera and Cyclorhapha,
Acarina (Ixodidae, Argasidae), Siphanoptera (fleas),
Pthiraptera (Lice). Life cycles of arthropods of
Veterinary importance. Pathogenecity and control
VPE 403: Veterinary Helminthology 3(2+1)
Introduction and classification of phylum Platyheliminlhs.
Life cycle, pathogenicity and control of Nematodes,
trematodes and Cestodes of Veterinary importance.
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