The training in Veterinary Medicine is regulated by a statute, The Veterinary Surgeons Act of 1969 as amended by Act No. 40 of 1987 (CAP V3, LFN, 2004) and the practice as a veterinarian is guided by professional Ethics. Upon successful completion of the DVM programme, the new graduate is registered by the Veterinary Council of Nigeria (VCN), during an Oath-Taking Ceremony. When the name is entered in the Veterinary Register, the veterinary doctor is required to fulfill the following obligations, among others, to retain his/her name in the Register:
• pay annual retention fees for the renewal of practice license,
• observe the ethics of the profession,
• remain a law-abiding citizen or resident and faithfully observe the ethics of the profession,
- improvement of his/her knowledge and professional skills through continuous training and retraining by attending the periodic Continuing Education Programmes organized by the Veterinary Council of Nigeria and the specialist training by the College of Veterinary Surgeons Nigeria (CVSN).
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