- Accommodation: Accommodation is available for all interested students.
- Students Association: Veterinary students are well organised and have an umbrella association that holds them all together, the Association of Veterinary Medical Students (AVMS). This association is a student chapter of the national association, Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association (NVMA). It is mandatory for all veterinary students of the Faculty to belong to this association from the day of initial registration on campus.
- Health Matters: There is a University Medical Centre to handle all health related matters and this is open to all students. Students are therefore advised to register at the Medical Centre to ensure proper healthcare services whenever it is needed. Students who become sick must report to the Medical Centre as soon as possible and such cases must also be reported to the Dean of the Faculty. Any student who has taken medical treatment outside the Medical Centre, must have their medical reports authenticated by the Director of the Medical Centre. Only such authenticated medical reports are acceptable for academic purposes in the University.
- Handling of Academic Grievances: Report to the Academic Adviser who may forward same through the Dean to the Faculty Board of Examiners for deliberation and consideration. Matters that require Senate attention are then forwarded to the Senate.
- Student Academic Advising: Every student from the day of registration is assigned an Academic Adviser and remains with that adviser until graduation. Students should take advantage of their academic advisers for both academic and personal problems to ensure a successful stay in campus. Problems should be reported to academic advisers who would channel them appropriately for proper resolution.
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