Course Code Course Description Credit Units
ANP 211: Animal Husbandry I 2
Livestock Breeds in Nigeria description, population,
purpose and performance, comparative performance
of herds within locakbreeds, between local breeds
and exotic breeds. Emphasis on average data such
as birth weight, litter size, weaning age/weight, growth
rate etc.
Livestock production system: subsistence, extensive,
semi-intensive, comparative performance and health
problems under various systems. Practical rearing of
livestock. Livestock Improvement through Breeding:
Emphasis on selection and breeding systems, Including
development of breeding stock (parent, grandparent, etc.)
Range and Pasture Management: Choice of species,
yields and quality of forage. Pasture improvement
and establishment, zero grazing. dry season feed
and fodder balance.
ANP 221: Principles of Animal Nutrition 2
Comparative digestive physiology of ruminants and
non-ruminants. Rationale for feed different types of
feed to the two groups. Nutrient requirements for
production and maintenance. Feed requirements: Ration
formulation, composition of a feed stuff and concentrate
mixing. Feed Evaluation: Chemical and biological (digestibility).
Feed processing techniques and effects on feed quality.
Nutrient-Disease Interactions: role of nutrition in disease
ANP 311: Principles of Animal Breeding 2
Environmental and hereditary factors. Lethal and
control. Heritability, selection methods, in-breeding and
cross-breeding. Breeding systems. Performance testing
and improvements.
ANP 313: Animal Husbandry II 2
Sheep and goat production systems: breeds, production
per flock, selection and breeding. breeding recorcs.
Maragement and housing.
Health care, estimation of live-weights, processing
and marketing of products and by products. Cattle
production: Dairy and beef climatic limitations. Herd
analysis and production targets. Herd Records: Estimating
live-weight, cattle identification, breeding and milk
production. Calf RearingCaIf rearing systems,
management and housing, calf rearing problems.
Horse, dog and cat breeding, management: nutrition
in health and disease. Ration formulation, feeding, housing
and routine care. Kennel and stable Management.
ANP 324: Animal Husbandry III 3
Poultry Production: Poultry industry problems
and prospects in Nigeria. Flock analysis and records.
Production targets and goals. Management of
broiler, layer and breeder enterprises, housing, feeding,
routine and health care. Management of other poultry
species: turkey, guinea fowls, ducks, peacocks, ostrich
and quails. Processing and marketing: poultry and
poultry by-products. Rabbit and Swine Production:
Modern management techniques, housing, feeding,
breeding, routine and health care. Flock records and
analysis. Processing and marketing of products and
VFA 221: Veterinary Field Attachment I 5
Field practice of six weeks duration in a Farm. Inspection
visits should be conducted to such places by academic
VFA322: Veterinary Field Attachment II 5
Field practice of six weeks duration in diagnostic
laboratories. Inspection visits should be conducted to
such places by academic staff.
VFA422: Veterinary Field Attachment III 5
Field practice of six weeks duration In abattoirs and animal
control posts. Inspection visits should be conducted to such
places by academic staff.
VFA512: Veterinary Field Attachment IV 5
Field practice of six weeks duration in Clinics and Veterinary
Teaching Hospitals. Inspection visits should be conducted to
such places by academic staff.
First Semester
Clinics I 20
Clinical exercises in the following Clinic groups:
Veterinary Diagnostic Clinics
Veterinary Medicine Clinics
Veterinary Surgery Clinics
Veterinary Theriogenology Clinics
Veterinary Public Health Clinics
VMD 613 Clinical Conference/Seminar I 1
A course involving case work-ups and Seminar
Presentation by students.
FVM 699 Project I 2
Simple research topic in any area of Veterinary
Medicine. Examination shall be by presentation of
a project report.
Second Semester
Clinics 2 20
Clinical exercises in the following clinic groups:
Veterinary Diagnostic Clinics
Veterinary Medicine Clinics
Veterinary Surgery Clinics
Veterinary Theriogenology Clinics
Veterinary Public Health Clinics
VMD 624 Clinical Conference/Seminar II 1
A course involving case work-ups and seminar
presentation by students.
FVM699 Project II 2
Simple research topic in any area of Veterinary
Medicine. Examination shall be by presentation of
a project report.
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