Course Code Course Description Credit Units
VPH 322: Animal Welfare 2
Definition of animal welfare. Legal and Regulatory
framework for animal welfare including right to kill.
Animal population dynamics in relation to animal
welfare (shelter, nutCition and living environment).
Humane transportation, killing, disposal and harvesting.
Care of animals during disasters. Animal freedom and
behavior (freedom from pam, injury and disease, fear,
Stress and discomfort, freedom to express normal
behavior). Principles of animal care and ethics of use
(International standards and best practices in research
and training).
Practicum Session:
Cases and scenarios building in the handling
and monitoring of stress and pain in different
species of animals.
VPH 422: Biostatistics 2
Data types: Classification and tabulation of data.
Descriptive and inferential statistics. Sampling
methods, rates, ratios mean, median and mode.
Standard deviations and variance. Chi-square and
Student t-test. Parametric and non-parametric analysis.
Uses of statistics in Veterinary practice and research.
VPH 511: Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine 3
Definitions, History, scope and uses of epidemiology
in Veterinary practice. Descriptive analytic and experimental
phases, biomedical and mathematical approaches. Disease
monitoring, surveillance and reporting. Herd health and
management. Epidemiological studies e.g. prospective,
retrospective and cohort. Diseases in populations. Mass
action against diseases: chemo-prophylaxis, seroprophylaxis,
and Immunization.
VPH 522: Veterinary Ethics and Jurisprudence 1
Legislation regulating Veterinary practice, legal
and professional responsibilities of Veterinary
Surgeons in the control of animal movement, animal
importation and exportation. Control of animal
diseases, meat inspection, animal husbandry,
fish and wildlife. Laws on the control of Veterinary
drugs and Biofogics. Organization of Veterinary
services in Nigeria.
VPH 524: Food Hygiene 2
Principles of meat hygiene. Biological and chemical bases
of meat hygiene. Ante-mortem and post-mortem roc.curs.
Slaughter facilities in Nigeria. 3asic construction and
principles of a functional abattoir. Potable water. Water,
meat and milk-borne diseases. Meat preservation: Drying,
Smoking, Freezing and Canning. Food microflora and spoilage;
Food poisoning (from beef, pork, poultry, fish and shellfish).
Control of vermins in the abattoir. Effluent and disposal.
Detection of drug residues in milk and meat. Milk and milk
products, Inspection and laboratory examination for milk
VPH 526: Veterinary Econometrics 2
Basic micro and macro economic concepts. Veterinary of
Public health schemes. Demand and supply of Veterinary
services. Economics of livestock production. Economics of
operating a Veterinary enterprise. Benefit-cost analysis.
Business organizations, administration and promotion.
Business management. Project appraisal and writing of
feasibility reports.
VPH 528: Zoonoses 2
Concepts, definitions and classification of zoonoses.
Studies of bacterial, viral, parasitic, rickettsial,
protozoal and fungal zoonoses. Public health
significance of rodents, birds, flies and mosquitoes.
Emerging zoonoses. Environmental pollution and control. Basic
concepts of one health.
VPH 520: Veterinary Extension 1
Concepts of Veterinary and livestock
production extension: Veterinary extension
promotion and delivery. Rural sociology and
rural health education.
VPH 615: Computer Application in Veterinary Medicine 2
History of computers. Hardware and softwares
Components. Operating and application softwares.
Features and uses of word processing spread sheet,
power point packages. Database management
reporting systems. Application of computers
in Veterinary practice.
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