Thank you for your interest in the School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Benin.
The opportunities at the University of Benin to study veterinary medicine will present new avenues and challenge you to redesign your path and future role as a health professional.
The curriculum has been refined to improve its material content to meet the standards set by both the Veterinary Council of Nigeria and the National Universities Commission for the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine training programme. Our prospectus and students’ handbook touches on most aspects of the students’ academic life while in the Faculty, highlighting issues ranging from entry requirements to rules and regulations governing the professional programme from examinations through to final certification. The curriculum layout contained therein will assist the students through each phase of course registration, while the course outline will enable the students to plan his/her study schedule more efficiently.
Being a young faculty, it is poised to take a vantage position is delivering best practice and ensuring current trends in veterinary medicine are followed. Our education will prepare you for every facet of critical thinking, problem-solving, and life-long learning. With a well-honed blend of basic and clinical science, our challenging curriculum blends educational styles from traditional lectures to small group inquiry, as well as experimental laboratories. It will be one of the most difficult yet rewarding years of your life.
The veterinary profession is a noble one, getting into it requires hard work, perseverance and a whole lot of self-discipline. Meanwhile, I welcome you to the Faculty and wish you a successful academic journey.
Please feel free to contact us [[email protected]] if you have specific questions. My team is glad to receive you to our DVM program. The future is ours!
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