Course Code               Course Description                                                                            Credit Units

VSR 422:                    Introductory Surgery and Anaesthesiology                                   3

Historical background; Principles and objectives

of surgery; instruments; surgical attire and

operating room conduct; surgical techniques;

sutures and suture patterns; pre and post

surgical considerations; Surgical restraint; Types

and mechanisms of action of anaesthetic agents;

preparation of patient for anaesthesia; local

and general anaesthesia in small and large

animals; anaesthetic emergencies and their

management; surgical traumas and principles of

wound healing; chemotherapeutic considerations

in wound healing.

VSR 511:                    Small Animal Surgery                                                                      3

Upper gastrointestinal tract: dentition; conditions

affecting oral cavity; salivary cysts; oesophageal

surgery. Lower gastrointestinal tract: gastric surgery;

intestinal surgery; acute abdomen pain; rectal

prolapse; urogenital surgery, kidneys (nephrotomy,

nepherectomy); bladder (rupture, cystomy);

ovarectomy; ovariohysterectomy; Caesarian

section; transmissible venereal tumour; castration;

prostatic diseases (cysts, abscesses); penile

amputation; herniorrhaphy: umbilical, perineal,

ventral diaphragmatic and reconstructive and

cosmetic surgery; wound healing; skin defects;

otoplasty, caudectomy; entropion; ectropion.

VSR 522:                    Orthopaedics and Lameness                                                            2

Definitions; general examination; diagnostic

nerve blocks; infections of the limbs affecting

the bones; joints; muscles; tendons; ligaments;

synovial sheath and bursae, including radial nerve

paralysis; sweeny; bucked knee; hygroma; carpitis;

contracted flexor tendons; carpal fracture; bowed

tendon; sprained suspensory ligaments; bucked skin;

fracture of splint bone; sessamoiditis; fracture of

sessamoid; osselets; ring bone; quitor. Fracture

classification and healing; management of specific

fractures; fairly; forge tools; corrective shoeing.

Examination of animals for soundness and

writing of certificates.

VSR 513:                    Large Animal Surgery                                                                     3

Wound management: Definitions (wounds,

abrasion, avulsion, torsion, laceration,

penetrating wounds, cellulitis etc); wound

healing, process (including the various phases);

factors affecting wound healing; principles of

wound dressing; management of surgical and

non-surgical wounds; prevention of surgical

contamination in large animals. Abdominal

surgery in ruminants: exploratory laparatomy;

rumenotomy; temporary rumen fistula; intestinal

surgery. Trachealsurgery: tracheotomy chronic

teat fistula; contracted teat sphincter; leaking teat;

obstruction of teat; supernumerary teat; clinical

treatment of mastitis; masectomy. Urogenital:

vaginal/uterine prolapses; Caesarian section;

episiotomy; fetotomy; castration (bull,

stallion, ram, etc) cryptorchidectomy;

phimosis; paraphimosis. Herniorrhaphy: ventral

ingunial, oblique, scrotal and dehorning in

ruminants. Preparation of teaser bulls: epIdidymal

transection; vasectomy and penectomy. Principles

of oncology in surgical treatments.

VSR 524:                    Diagnostic Imaging                                                                           2

Principles of X-ray production; radiographic equipment

and accessories; X-ray and ultrasonograpghy; hazards

and safety considerations in radiography; principles of

radiographic interpretation. Axial skeleton: fracture

healing and complications; bone tumours and infections;

joint diseases; the vanicular bone. Appendicular skeleton:

larynx, pharynx, strachea, esophagus. Thoracic: wall,

diaphragm, mediastium, pleura spaces; heart and the great

vessels, pulmonary vessels, lungs. Abdomen: abdominal

masses; peritoneal space; liver and spleen; kidneys and

ureters; urinary bladder; urethra; prostate; uterus; ovaries

and testes; stomach; small intestine; large intestine.

Course Code               Course Description                                                                            Credit Units

VTR 511:                   Veterinary Gynaecology and Obstretics                                        4

Introduction to reproduction; Review of

the anatomy and physiology of the female

reproductive system; hormones of reproduction;

palpation per rectum; the oestrous cycle;

pregnancy examination in animals; ageing of

pregnancy; disturbances in pregnancy; approach

to animal obstetrics and obstetrical instruments;

dystocia; delivery per vaginum in farm animals

and obstetrical terminologies; uterine torsion

in the cow; rupture of the uterus; Caesarian

operation; vaginal and uterine prolapses; causes,

clinical signs, prognosis and treatment; parturition

and injuries associated with it; placental retention

in farm animals; fetal resorption; mummification

and maceration. hydrops of the foetal fluid;

congenital and hereditary abnormalities; oestrus

synchronization in domestic animals; anoestrus

in the cow and mare; cystic ovaries in the cow;

repeat breeder syndrome in the cow;

pyometra; diagnosis and control of fibroses;

infectious diseases of reproduction; infertility in

domestic animals; neonatal mortality in pigs;

agalactia; mastitis. Inability to copulate in the bull:

aetiological factors; diagnosis and prognosis.

Incapacity to fertilize; aetiological factors; diagnosis

and prognosis. Perineal lacerations; recto-vaginal

fistula in mare; post-parturient recumbency

in the cow.

VTR 522:                   Andrology and Artificial Insemination                                          3

Clinical anatomy of the male: reproductive

organs of various domestic animals; evaluation for

breeding soundness; factors influencing breeding

efficiency; records keeping; timing of breeding and

site of semen deposition;impotentia in animals;

phimosis and paraphimosis. Artificial insemination;

principles and applications. Methods of semen

collection; advantages and disadvantages; semen

handling; evaluation and storage. Artificial insemination

practices in Nigeria. Biotechnology Techniques in
